Day 02 - Things are broke so find another way.


2 min read

Last night after making my post I did the first three sections of the Colt Steele udemy course "The Web Developers Bootcamp 2022" and then I went to bed, later than I expected to. I woke up today, got ready and went to do deliveries. While doing deliveries all I could think about was doing more of the course so that I could get to something I didn't already have a decent understanding of. I got home, ate dinner and opened udemy and none of the videos would play. Frustrating.

After talking to some people on the Discord server that Colt had set up it seemed like an issue with his course. Bummer. While I was waiting for it to be fixed I thought about concepts and things I was unfamiliar with. I have a good understanding of HTML and CSS but I know very little about javascript and even less about Programming methodologies. Figured I would look to find some information and Came across the Harvard EDX CS50x course. I watched the first video and played around with Scratch for a bit then checked Udemy and the course was working again. I did Section 4 and besides a few of the new semantic tags it was mostly stuff I was familiar with. Now it is late and I am going to sleep so that I can repeat the process again tomorrow, hopefully without the video errors.